Self Determination


What is Self-Determination?

Self-Determination is a fresh approach to designing, planning, and living one’s life. It provides individuals with greater control over the services they choose, their structure, and their cost. It’s an opportunity to be innovative – envision an ideal life and determine the necessary steps to achieve it. Whether opting for regional center providers or selecting their own, with Self-Determination, individuals are the ones making the decisions.

The 5 Principles of Self-Determination:

  • Freedom: Individuals have the freedom to plan their lives and make their own choices, just like anyone else.
  • Authority: Individuals are in charge of how the money for their services and support is used.
  • Support: Individuals select the people and assistance they need to live, work, and enjoy themselves in their community.
  • Responsibility: It’s up to individuals to make their own decisions, utilize public money wisely, and be active members of their community.
  • Confirmation: Individuals are the most important persons when it comes to making plans for their lives and deciding on their services

The key idea of SDP is to give individuals the freedom to live life on their terms, providing the daily support they need. It’s a fantastic alternative to assisted living facilities or group homes because it offers independence and personal choice.


Being in charge is crucial because individuals know themselves and their needs better than anyone else. SDP puts them in control.

Additionally, the Self-Determination Program offers other great benefits. Here’s a rundown of what else individuals can expect:

  • Complete control over hiring, managing, and, if needed, firing their support staff.
  • The option to pay support staff higher wages.
  • Deciding when support staff works and for how long.
  • Determining the type of training their staff should have.
  • Keeping track of budget spending plans whenever needed and seeing them updated every month.