Client Employment
Experience is the Best Teacher
WTC’s Community Employment Services Individual Placement program assists people with disabilities in their search for employment within the community. The Community Employment Services Program assists employers who want to increase accessibility for individuals who experience disabilities. We are equipped and ready to partner with community employers to remove barriers and create accessible workplaces.
Situational Assessment
The Situational Assessment is all about getting our clients familiar with the work environment and determining how ready they feel to jump in. These services, authorized by a Senior Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor and provided by a Community Rehabilitation Program (CRP), utilize actual work sites to identify a client’s level of employability through a short-term trial work experience. The SA is a community-based service that allows our clients to observe or try out a variety of job opportunities, which may include payment of wages.
WTC works with the Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) to provide services and support for community employment, situational assessments, and job development. By committing to several days of work at different job sites in the community, individuals get real experience at local businesses to determine their learning strengths, physical stamina, socialization skills, and vocational preferences.
Personal, Vocational,
Social Adjustment
PVSA training activities target the elimination or reduction of identified barriers to employment. Some of these areas include:
- Appropriate interaction in the workplace
- Grooming and hygiene as related to work
- Mobility training in use of public transportation
- Work habits and attitudes such as attendance, punctuality, phoning in if ill, returning promptly from breaks and lunch
- Personal budgeting, benefit planning, banking, and bill payment
PVSA is a service authorized by the Department of Rehabilitation to assist clients in developing and re-establishing skills, attitudes, work behaviors, and functional capacities to create positive employment outcomes. This service is geared toward removing barriers that prevent our clients from reaching their potential in the employment environment.
Paid Internship Program
Short-Term Supports
Short-Term Supports is a time-limited, proactive, and individualized program designed to match our clients’ employment-related needs. These include assisting them in learning job duties, helping them adjust to the work environment, and maintaining natural supports within the employment setting.
Short-Term Supports is completed in 90 days, unless additional support is needed to ensure stabilization in the employment setting.
Job Coaching
Job Coaching services provides intensive assistance and support in employment-related activities to promote job adjustment and retention. Intensive individualized Job Coaching services may be provided as part of a Supported Employment Individualized Plan of Employment. Job Coaching can be done at the worksite or off-worksite, depending on the client’s preference.